Monday, January 4, 2010

Another Christmas has Come and Gone

Well yet another Christmas has come and gone. All the presents have been opened, the decorations have been put away and I have gone back to work. Every year as the girls get older Christmas undergoes some changes. When the girls were little we had letters to Santa, visits to the mall and cookies to bake. The girls no longer write letters to Santa- I get lists now instead, I did get a photo of Nicole and Josh with Santa so that made me happy. Katie baked cookies so we put them out with a glass of milk for the big guy. I hope that doesn't change for a long time.

Every Christmas eve since I was little my parents have hosted an open house. It was a way for us to see lots of friends and family with out having to go out and a bout. This year was a change in that Nicole spent most of Christmas eve with Josh's family as they celebrated with his mothers relatives at his house. It was strange not having Nicole there for a lot of our evening and dinner but she and Josh did show up and opened the traditional Christmas eve present of Pj's with Katie and my niece Jadyn. We sang carols, ate my mom's special meat pie and got to spend time with friends.
Christmas day we opened gifts at home, headed over to my parents for brunch and presents then came home, watched a movie and had a nap. Then it was time to go over to Shawn's folks for some turkey. Nicole was off with Josh again, this time to his dad's parents house. I am glad we were able to get all these plans in place without to much bother, Nana and Popa did miss Nicole but we had Josh and her last year so it is only fair that we share! I am not looking forward to the year that we have to figure out both the girls and their significant others.
Boxing day for the past few years has been at our house with whatever new Wii game Santa brought. This year we got Wii resort. I love the Wii- it creates so much fun and laughter- and apparently lots of concentration as you can see from the photo below.
Yes Christmas changes, adjustments are made but as long as we are all together at points- that is all that matters.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lynn. Thanks for the Christmas update. Love all the photos but especially the one that shows your collection of books - what a great idea to display them!
