Friday, October 9, 2009

Camping with the Grade 6's

This past week I spent 3day out at Camp Ki-Wa-Y wiht 75 grade 6 students from my school. I enjoy going to camp for a few reasons, it is a great way to get to know the students on a more personal level, you get to see how the kids react in different situations- not just sitting at a desk and you get to see different sides of the kids. I personally like that fact that we go to Ki-Wa-Y as it is the camp my girls work at so I get to see a bit of that side of their life.
Unfortunately this year the weather was not the greatest. It didn't stop us from doing anything, it just made it a little bit more uncomfortable. We went canoeing, rock climbing, learned how to use compasses and did the high and low rope courses. My highlight of the trip was when I did the log walk. I had to climb up a 20 foot tree then walk across a 15 foot log that was suspended between 2 trees by a wire on each end. I was only being held up by a very small rope and harness attached at my waist- what a rush. It is amazing what you can make your self do when a group of kids are cheering you on. I was very scared and swearing under my breath but I did it and when I got down and got those high fives and fist bumps I was pumped- another thing to cross off my bucket list.
This was my home for 3 days. I shared it with 10 girls. It is the cabin that Katie spent most of the summer in. It is made from straw hay bales covered with mud. It was heated by a wood burning furnace system located outside the building. It was pleasantly warm and dry. My kids were great, asleep by 10 and I had to wake them up in the morning- not a typical camping experience let me tell you.

I love my job. I am grateful everyday that I get to work with children and a fantastic bunch of teachers. Everyone should be lucky enough to love what they do- I know I am.


  1. You're a very brave woman, Lynn! LOL Glad you had a great time!

  2. Curtis is sitting next to me and thinks your dog is "cool" looking. :-)
