Wow I can't believe it has been 2 weeks since my last post. September is always a busy month for me- getting back into work and morning routines always takes a bit of getting used to.
Katie has started in right away with field hockey. She plays 2 nights a week with her school team and I try to go and see all the games. I have been watching the team for a couple of years, since Nicole was in grade 10 so I know quite a few of the players and have gotten to see the team grow and mature and build their skills. We went from not scoring a goal in the first season to actaully winning some games now! Katie is also on the student council so she has early mornings and late nights with that activity as well.
Nicole is doing great at university, she has really settled in, gets along great with her roommates and has done well on the couple of tests she has had so far. I am glad that she is so close by and I love that she comes home every weekend. It means I am driving back and forth to Brantford a couple of times a week but we usually have some great mother -daughter discussions on the way so it is time well spent. Nicole and I have always watched Gossip Girls together, it is our show, so last week when I took her back I got to watch it with her in her apartment- that was fun!
I am co-chair of the high school parent council so I had a meeting for that this past week, I joined a camera club with another teacher from my school so I had that meeting, I had book club, an eye doctor appointment, a Patrick Swayze DVD night & did some scrap booking with friends and also Nicole's graduation- I have been busy- But I love it!
Nicole's commencement was a wonderful night. The high school the girls go to has only been open for 4 years, this was their first ever graduating class. The school opened with only grade 9 & 10. Nicole was in grade 10- a senior student! Being the oldest students in the school for the past 3 years gave these kids a lot of leadership opportunities that they would not have had in another school. Nicole was on student council in grade 10, Co-Prez of the school in grade 11, she played on the field hockey, rugby, swimming and softball teams, she was in the drama production and was the school Premier for Fed Prov. Commencement was a very personal experience for the graduating class as well as the teachers. They have come up with so many new and unique traditions at the school that they have built from scratch together. Each graduate had a personal note from past teachers read aloud at the graduation- it was great to hear, some were funny, some were amazing in their accomplishments but all were encouraging and appreciated by the students. I had fought very hard for the 3 years previous to the school opening to get the school built. It was a long hard battle that meant I spent every Monday night at School Board meetings listening to plans, delegations and presenting my own speeches on why our area of town needed and deserved a new high school. At times I wondered if it was worth it but as I see how both my girls have thrived at the school I know it was.
Thanks for the update! You sound like me - September is always such a busy month for some reason. It sounds like you and your family are all doing well - I am glad! BTW - it was great to see you at the store yesterday and thanks again for loaning me the book.