Thursday, October 8, 2009

Shout Out to Katie's MSIP!!

MSIP stands for Multi Subject Instructional Period. At Katie's school each student has one MSIP period a day. This is a time that they can work on homework, projects, assignments, get help from teachers- you get the idea.
It is actually a great program. It allows the students to book appointments or see guidance councillors with out actually missing any class time. For every MSIP period there is an MSIP class being taught by a teacher from every subject, a math teacher, english teacher, science teacher and so on -so if you need extra help there is a class somewhere in the school that you can travel to to get help- it may not be with your exact english teacher but it will be with an english teacher and sometimes hearing things said a different way by a different person may help you to understand what you need to learn. Also each MSIP class consists of students from every grade -9 through 12. This allows older students to help younger students and peers to help peers. You can also travel during MSIP to other parts of the school such as the library, science rooms or say the computer lab.
Apparently this is what Katie and some of her friends have been doing lately- travelling to the computer lab to read my blog!! Not sure that that is their best use of time but I said I'd say hey to them in here so -hey Guys ( Paige, Taylor, Katie & Mr. Kennedy), hope you like it!!! Feel free to leave a comment :)


  1. this is paige, i like your blog! :)
    mr. kennedy says he will try to make sure sure katie works more in msip
    but that won't happen :)

  2. this is taylor! :)
    VERY GOOD BLOG !! :)
    YAY, mr. kennedy says " ill make sure that katie is working ferventely" :P

  3. dear lynn,
    please never delete your blog! it brightens my day in msip! :)
    taylor says that blogging is the business of the future!
    from your farmbuddy,
    paige :)
