Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Baseball Filled Weekend

I got to spend the weekend watching some really good baseball. I think that baseball is my favourite sport because it is the one sport I used to play. I understand the rules, I know the plays. I have watched my girls play field hockey and rugby for years and I still don’t understand those games and don’t even get me started on synchro swimming judges!!
Nicole’s boyfriend, Josh, played in the Cannon Cup this weekend in Oakville. This is an All-Star amateur ball tournament that has run for the past 15 years. Josh was very happy to be picked for the All Star team that was made up of the best of the best in his league. He is a very good second base player, can grab the ball out of the sky and throws it with an amazing ease and grace. I love watching athletes that make it all look so simple. I was impressed by the solidarity of the team who have only been together for a short time, their support and encouragement was great to see in 18 year old boys.
It was a tense, suspenseful weekend, lots of sitting on the edge of our seats biting our nails. Nicole was holding her breath at one point I’m sure. Josh’s team came back from a 3 to 4 deficit to win the final game with a grand slam homerun. It was like something out of the movies! The cheer that went up from the crowd, the looks on the players faces- it was so great to be a part of that moment.
The tournament is named after Mike Cannon, a baseball enthusiast who worked for the Toronto Blue Jays. Mike’s daughter was at the field on Sunday to award the winners their championship rings after the game. It was touching to hear her speak about her dad and his love of the game, his joy in watching players who are in it for the sport not the big salaries. The boys were very proud of their accomplishment- it is one they will not soon forget.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Survivor is Back!

The 19th season of Survivor started tonight. I LOVE this show! I have been a fan since the very first season with Richard, Rudy and the snake speech at the end. I have had my favourite players- Rupert & Ethan and evil people like Jeri & Jonny Fairplay make it interesting. It keeps me entertained, I love trying to figure out people's best moves and see how they change with paranoia and hunger.

I always wonder how I would make out on the show, if my need to organize and be in control of situations would help me or get me booted out first. I know I wouldn't do good with the food and I do like my sleep so maybe it's not the show for me.

I am not a big fan of most reality shows- I wonder why people would embarrass themselves on TV just for some fame and money, shows like The Bachelor just don't entertain me. I think Survivor is more realistic I guess, I know many people don't agree with that opinion.

We usually watch as a family. Thursdays have been Pizza Survivor Night in my house for quite a few years now. I have been in pools at work- I even won once- Thanks Tom! I will continue to tune in, probably for as long as the show continues to run. I am looking forward to the next All Star season. I wonder who they will bring back, who will get another chance to Outwit, Outlast & Outplay- Can't wait!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Katie's 16!

On Friday my baby turned 16. It is hard to believe. Hard to believe first off that I am old enough to have daughters this age and also hard to believe that this wonderful person has been a part of my life for so long already.
Katie is my baby but in many ways she is older and wiser than her years. Katie has always been a very serious person. As an infant you felt like she was studying you when she looked at you- with her unwavering expression. She is always thinking, figuring things out. When Katie started to walk she was just over 10 months old and she literally stood up and walked across the room- no tentative baby steps for her- she had watched, learned and was able to do it and has never turned back.
Katie shares her birthday with the tragedy of 9/11. Whenever people ask her for her birth date and she replies with 9/11 they all look at her with pity in their eyes which is interesting because she had nothing to do with the event - she was only 9 years old when it happened but people just automatically associate that date with sadness- we have worked to over come that for our families- Katie's birthday is always a fun filled event. Every year we head out to The Moose for Katie to get her annual turn at wearing the antlers and getting a pie in the face- it never gets old!
Unfortunately for Katie the driver testing people are on strike so she has so far been denied that right of passage- she was very excited to write her driving test and hit the road. I am ready for her to start driving as well. She certainly is mature enough- the child lived across the ocean for 3 months last year, counselled children all summer at a residential camp and is a grade nine mentor at her high school- I think she can handle the responsibility!
Katie is growing up fast, she is out there in the world doing things- she is an adventurer, open to new things and experiences. She is an organizer, a planner, a thinker- I know that she will continue to make good decisions because she always knows all the facts. She has a great boyfriend who treats her well. I am happy to spend time with Katie- she was gone so much of last year first with her exchange then off to camp-for 20 weeks out of 28 she was not living at home in the spring and summer. I missed her very much and now with Nicole gone out of the house Katie and I get to spend a lot of time together- getting to know each other again.I love it, I love her and I am proud to be the mom of such a wonderful, caring nurturing spirit!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Our Wedding Anniversary

On Thursday Shawn and I celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary- this means that I have now been a Wilson as long as I was a Clasper. I don't know why but this seems like a really big deal to me. It makes my childhood seem like such a long time ago. I plan on being a Wilson for much, much longer than I was ever a Clasper don't get me wrong!!
Shawn and I met in college when we were 18. We got engaged after 6 months- I can appreciate now how much that must have freaked our parents out at the time- never mind that I was Shawn's first ever real girlfriend- Poor Millie and Bill didn't know what hit them. I can just imagine my reaction if Nicole was to come home and tell us that she was engaged!
We were engaged for 2 years- giving us enough time to finish school and get jobs. Neither of us had ever lived away from home or by ourselves. It was hard work in the beginning- learning about each other and how to be grown ups together. Luckily we had wonderful, supportive parents to help us along the way. We were very young to get married- just 21 years old- we have grown up together- luckily we have grown in the same direction I know this is not always the case. We had a group of friends who all got married around the same time and the majority of those marriages have failed- we are blessed but we also work damn hard to make this work- there have been struggles, hard times and disappointments but those time have been surpassed by love, joy, happiness and contentment. I am thankful everyday for having a husband who loves me for me, who lets me be the best me I can be, who has given me the two most amazing, wonderful daughters that anyone could ask for!
Thank you Shawn- I love you!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Nicole Has Left The Building

Yesterday we moved Nicole into her residence apartment in Brantford. This was a very exciting day in the Wilson household. We have been planning and organizing and shopping for the past month to get ready for this big day. My dining room has looked like a war zone for the past week. There's a lot to remember when you are stocking a whole apartment. Luckily Nicole has been in contact with her roommates so there wasn't much repetition in supplies. It was great to see all the girls meet each other for the first time- they were all so excited!

I was really impressed with the whole process. First you go and pick up your keys from the student union and your frosh week supplies. The road in front of the residence was closed off- you get a number and unload all you belongings. We waited for about 10 minutes until our number was called, then a group of 8 older students come and grab all your boxes - they carry everything into your room and your set! Simple as that. It was neat seeing Nicole take charge of her room and set it up the way she wanted- so grown up.
I thought this day would be harder for me that it was. Don't get me wrong, I will miss her like crazy- but is was just so exciting watching her and knowing all the new adventures she will be experiencing that I really didn't get upset- no tears or melt downs, Shawn was amazed- he thought I would lose it for sure. I am so proud of Nicole and the grown up she is becoming. I look forward to our relationship as it changes. I will always love, remember and cherish the little girl she was but I will be friends with the woman she is becoming. I love you Colio!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Last Days of Summer

I had a very busy week this past week, trying to cram everything in I wanted to get accomplished this summer. My mom and I spent the entire day Monday reorganizing my laundry room. It looks very good now- for a room I hate to spend time in that is!
With the school year starting off so late this year it kinda screwed up my last week of holidays. I had to go into the board office on Wednesday and do some training as all teachers and EA have to get in 2 working days before students show up this year to make up our 190 or so teaching days. My school has been undergoing huge renovations this summer which are still on -going so we couldn't get in to set up our classes like we usually do. We were to work on Wednesday and Thursday. I made plans to leave for a camping trip with Katie and some of her friends to celebrate her 16th birthday before school started. The construction in our school is behind so we couldn't even get onto the property until Friday-- sooo long story short I ended up driving in from the campground on Friday and Saturday to set the room up. It was a lot of work as we had to pack up EVERYTHING in classroom when we left in June. Gen, Andy and I spent a lot of time over those 2 days helping out other teachers and getting our room all put together- it looks awesome! The school on the other hand is still a construction zone, we will not have a gym, library or computers before Christmas and the addition is not even half way done. it will be fantastic when it is all done- we will just have to learn to live with it until then- it's going to be an interesting Fall.

The time I did get the spend with the girls camping was a lot of fun. Katie is lucky to have such good friends. I am so used to having them around that it was very odd this summer to have them gone as well as Katie- I missed them all. We had fun joking around the campfire, playing with sparklers and hanging at the beach. We took many, many pictures. I am sure the girls had fun camping by themselves when I was gone, making pancakes- they did a great job of cleaning everything up and even figuring out how to put the table bed back together. I am glad to have been a part of this celebration with Katie and her friends- they want to make it an annual event so we'll see :)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I Have a Superpower!

I bet you never knew I had a superpower- neither did I until it occurred to me recently. The only problem is that I apparently have no control over my superpower. See... I can become invisible- I just don't get to control where or when this happens. I am always invisible when it comes to those automatic hand dryers and taps in restaurants- they can never read me. I try waving my hands and arms around and nothing- other people come into the washroom and voila instant water or drying. I even then try to use the sink or dryer they were using and boom-I'm invisible! I also become invisible when I am driving my van. It is a big, blue mini van but it has the same powers as Wonder Womens invisible plane- no one can see us- other cars cut me off, children run out in front of me-I am invisible.

Now if only I could figure out how to harness this power- apparently I am never invisible when there are jobs to volunteer for, or my kids need a ride or bills need to be paid. I need to get this power under control- I could rule the world!!!