August 17th-- We found out last week that Nicole got into residence at WLU- Brantford. This is a huge relief. She had been on the waiting list and we were keeping our fingers crossed that she would get in. Brantford is not that far away and she would have been able to commute daily but I think that being in residence is a huge part of the university experience. It helps you to grow up, manage for yourself and just learn some life lessons- all in a fairly safe, contained environment. She is still going to keep her job at Zehrs for now, with not having classes on Mondays it should be fairly easy for her to come home every weekend and of course Josh is still here in town, doing his Victory Lap at Huron- added incentive to come home.
Well once we knew she was in my brain started to go into over drive. The residences at Brantford are apartment style. She will be in an apartment with 4 other girls, there are 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and kitchen and living room. So much stuff to buy- so much money to spend but so much fun shopping! A trip to Ikea was called for. We had such a good time- we made a list and headed out. We spent a lot of money and were exhausted by the end of the day but I think she is fairly well stocked up.
Facebook is an awesome tool. There is a group for the residences and it it broken down by apartments so Nicole has been talking to her Don and 3 of her roommates- you get to kind of know them before you even meet. They have been able to sort out who is bring what to furnish the apartment. Being in an apartment rather than a regular dorm means they will be able to make all their own meals rather than have a food plan- this works for Nicole because she feels she will be able to ward off the dreaded freshman 15 better this way- we'll see.
As always life brings us another adventure- we're still heading down the road, looking forward to what lies ahead.
As always life brings us another adventure- we're still heading down the road, looking forward to what lies ahead.
Oh, this is a scary change. I think you are handling it very well. I would be a mess. I am sure she will do great and be fine. Good luck to both of you.