Monday, August 3, 2009

Will I Ever Get Used to This?

Aug 1 & 2nd-- My children are out to get me. I am going to become an exhausted bag of bones by the end of the summer. I absolutely can not go to bed when the girls are still out. I have tried- it just doesn't work. I know they are very responsible, conscientious girls. They have good friends, they don't get into trouble. I just can't sleep until I know they are safely home. This weekend was a rough one. I have no one to blame but myself- other people can sleep no problem- including Shawn. Now is this because he knows I am up and will let him know if there is a problem? I'm not sure, all I know is he is in bed snoring away and I am in the living room reading until they walk through the door.

On Saturday Katie went to the movies with some friends- now whatever happened to movies starting at 9 and being done by 11? They start so late these days. Her movie did not start until 10 and it finished at 12:30. Then I had to go and pick her up and drive her boyfriend home- now that is a funny story- I pulled into Nathan's driveway and she walked him to the door. I was sitting there with my headlights just about blinding them. I didn't want them to think I was staring at them so I tried to inconspicuously back out of the driveway to give them some privacy. There was a car parked on the road in front of Nate's house so I kinda ended up waiting the the middle of the road with my hazards on- well now doesn't a police car pull up behind me to check out the situation- so instead of giving Katie and Nate a couple of minutes of privacy I end up causing a huge drama in the middle of his street! subtle I am not. Needless to say we laughed about it all the way home and I didn't get to bed until about 1:30.

Sunday night Nicole and Josh headed out the the all nighter at the drive in. I love going to the drive in- haven't been yet this year but I was excited for them to go as Josh had never been before. I set up the GPS for them so they would be able to get there. If you haven't been to the Mustang Drive in it is kinda hard to find. It is out in the middle of nowhere in Guelph. I had Nicole text me when they got there so I wouldn't spend the night worrying. I knew they would be there for a few hours so I did attempt to go the bed. I had asked Nicole to text me when they where starting to drive home so I would have some idea when they should be arriving. Since there were 4 movies playing I didn't know if they would stay for all of them or what they would do. So Nicole texted me about halfway through the 3 rd movie- they were coming home. Well that was it- I was wide away, they ran into an accident on the 401 so it took quiet awhile for them to get here so it was about 3:30 when I got back to bed.

I am glad that I am off for the summer. I can nap if I want to. I just can't handle these late nights like I used to. My friend Peggy tells me it will get better. I just have to wait until they move out then I will be good!!


  1. Hi Lynn! I've just been getting caught up on your blog. Looks like you've been having a fun summer! Hopefully I'll see you soon at 2SF!

  2. What a hilarious story about the police cruiser! I am sure it will be recalled at family gatherings for many years to come!

  3. LOL, Lynn, being ignorant to the going on's of our children will ensure us a longer lifetime. It's always hardest at the beginning when they first start staying out late. I hated it. I worried about other's on the road, of her getting into an accident, etc. Courtney needed to be reminded it was because of those reasons I worried, not because I didn't trust her or her friends. Paige, on the other hand, has a much earlier curfew untl she's 18, if she wants to stay out later---she's sleeping over!
