Monday, July 27, 2009
This one's for you Kitty Kat

Friday, July 24, 2009
Reason's I Love Being off in the Summer
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Scrap class
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
My Book Club Ladies
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
**spoiler Alert** Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
July 18th
We are Exercising!!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Wisdom Teeth
She is doing ok today- not a lot of swelling. We are moving on to heat now instead of ice, pain pills are being dispensed less often, there is not much swelling, she is rinsing with salt water but still wont really eat or drink. Grandma just brought over her favourite homemade soup so I am hoping that will do the trick.
It is never fun as a parent when your kids are hurting. Your impulse is to do whatever you can to take the pain away and make them feel better. I think we have come through this episode ok- we both survived- at least for today
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Scrapping again!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Big News in the Wilson House!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Katie's Update
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Road Trip!!
July 8-11-- Nicole had a couple of days off from work, Katie was at camp, Shawn had a golf tourney and Josh was out of town playing ball - perfect time for Nicole and I to head out on a road trip. I have been away many times with the girls, from synchro competitions, to camping trips to girls weekends but I have never been away one on one with either of the girls.
Nicole had been saving up some money and needed a bunch of new clothes so we decided on a shopping trip. My friend Kirsten told me about a place she had been in the states with great deals and best of all no sales tax- Grove City Pennsylvania. Sounded like the perfect place for us!
Nicole found a bunch of really great deals. We spent a day at the Prime Outlet Mall then headed out the next morining down to Erie to the regular mall. My best deal of the weekend was Nike running shoes- I need them cause I go to the gym now don't you know.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
A day Home Alone? Not!
July 7th-- So this is what my house looks like when I scrap at home. I spent all day Monday at 2 Scrapbook Friends scraping up a storm and I wanted to keep going. I tend to spread out all over the room at home. I love to scrap in front of the TV and thank goodness I have a PVR because occasionally I will realize that I have missed entire chunks of the show I am watching and I need to rewind. Shawn just stays out of my way and has learned not to touch or move anything because although it looks messy and disorganized I know exactly where everything I need is.
As I was busy I could smell something yummy coming from the garage. Shawn loves to cook and is always trying out new things. I hate to cook so we are well matched, having him around means that the girls and I don't starve. Shawn has all kinds of kitchen gadgets, things I have no idea what they do- nor do I want to learn. Last year he bought a smoker- smoked meat is not one of my favourite things but he keeps on trying out new cuts of meat and creating his own sauces. Last night we had BBQ ribs and a great Greek salad. Thanks Shawn!
July 8th-- So today I was supposed to have a peaceful, quiet day at home by myself. Shawn had meetings in Toronto all day and a dinner, Nicole was working a double shift and Katie is away at camp- I was so excited to be at home all by myself- it doesn't happen very often. I had grand plans of reading the day away, watching a movie and maybe even having a nap- I should have know it was never meant to be.
Katie suffers from ear issues, has for years. She has had blocked ears for the past month, we have been to the doctors 3 times, had prescriptions, cold and sinus pills, a spray for her nose and we were even putting nose drops in her ears (don't ask). There is fluid in there that will just not go away and is causing her a lot of pain- enough pain that she actually called me from camp (her favourite place on earth) and asked me to take her to the doctors. I knew it was serious because Katie would never leave camp if it wasn't. So by the time I drove out to the camp, picked her up, saw the doctor, took her back to camp and got home- 4 hours had gone by! It is worth it if she feels better and can make it through the rest of the summer- she may have to get tubes put in in the fall.
I had just gotten home and was contemplating a bath when Nicole called about going out for her dinner break. Well I couldn't say no to that- I love to spend time with Nicole and I am happy she likes to spend time with me. So after I got home from there, did my e-mails, tidied up a bit and empty the dishwasher it was now 7:00. So my day has gone by, I didn't get to read my book, watch a movie or have a nap but I did get to spend some quality time with the people I love the most in the world- so I didn't have a day alone but I certainly had a day well spent.
Monday, July 6, 2009
July 1st to the 6th
July 1st-- Today was Canada's birthday an important day to celebrate but the big deal in our house this year was taking Katie to camp. The girls have been going to camp Ki-Wa-Y for a few years now. Last year Katie went to the month long LIT program, this year Katie went to camp as a Counselor in training. She will be gone for the entire summer, only coming home on Saturday nights and returning on Sundays. We will miss having her around but she is so excited about camp and will have such a wonderful experience it wont be hard wish her well.
July 3rd-- After being gone camping for a week and getting Katie ready for camp it was time to spend the day cleaning the house. During the school year I have a cleaning lady- whom I love with all my heart!!!My favourite thing is coming home when everything is all done and just sitting there, alone, taking it all in. Since I am off in the summer she doesn't come as often so it is up to me. I don't actually mind cleaning the house when I have the time- now spending time in the kitchen is a completely different story.
July 5th--Shawn is still off work. It has been nice having him home with me this week. He is so used to being busy that we need to keep coming up with projects for him to do. He got the bathroom done, all the gardens and he hung up an awning over the deck last week. We were eating lunch outside on Sunday and looking at the garden. When we first moved into the house there were farmers fields behind us. Over the past few years construction has been going like gangbusters over the road. There are now thousands of homes behind us. When the building started I said to Shawn that we should plant some trees, we have a sound barrier wall but I wanted to block out the view to & from our bedroom window. Shawn didn't want to plant trees, doesn't like the leaves and how trees effect the lawn-so we did not get any -- until yesterday that is. It may take him a while but he usually comes around to my way of thinking. I wish we would have gotten them 5 years ago- they would be so much bigger now but I am happy to have them at last.
July 6th-- I spent the day at Two Scrapbooking friends today with my good friends Deb and Lori. It was Deb's birthday so it was nice to get together on her special day. We had a great time, a nice lunch and got lots of pages done. Carolyn, co-owner of the store, was working today, she works hard but always has a smile on her face and time for a chat. We are the same age, have been married for the same amount of time and have kids close in age so there's always some kind of story to share or experience to mull over. I stayed for the class and was pleasantly surprised when my new scrap friend Kelly showed up. I got to meet her friend ?Sarah?, got some new book titles to check out and we signed up to do another class together.
It has been a great week- stay tuned for more adventures next week!!!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
My Quest for the Perfect Cooler