Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My Book Club Ladies

July 21st-- I had book club tonight. It was kirsten's turn to host. I decied to walk over to her place, it's not far, took me about 20 minutes and I felt good doing it since I had not made it to the gym.
Our book club is small, there are only 4 of us. It is my 4 closet girl friends, Kirsten, Michelle and Gen. We are all quite different but we seem to fill each others needs. The good thing about book club is that we read all sorts of different books. There are no rules, we can pick whatever book we want and then we have a month to read it. We take turns hosting and there are always great snacks. Sometimes we add a movie night if the book has been made into a film. I have read many books that I might not have otherwise tried. I don't always like the books but on the whole it is a good experience. I mainly enjoy being a part of the club because of the people who are in it. It is very important to have girlfriends in your life and it is important to make sure you make time for your friends. book club forces us to make that time. We all are busy with kids, sports, jobs, it is easy for us, as women, to put other's needs before our own. I am glad that I am friends with women who value our friendship as much as I do.

I love you guys!!!

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