Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day

Today is Earth Day. At school we had an assembly, letting the kids know all the things they can do at school and at home to help save our planet. After the assembly the entire student body went out to clean the schoolyard. It didn't take very long with everyone pitching in but boy did it ever look good when we were done.
Tonight I went with some friends and Nicole to see the movie Earth. What a great film! The photography was amazing. I was happy to be apart of the premier evening and I was glad I bought tickets in advance because it was a sold out show. It was great to see all the families there sharing the experience. I think everyone should see this movie. When you see what animals go through it makes our struggles seem small- we don't have to swim 4000 miles for food, or travel across an entire continent for water and what some birds in the rain forest will do to impress a girl is hilarious.
There are some sad parts of the movie- it ts the circle of life after all. They do a good job with the editing and it is not gross but people with small children should be ready to do some explaining. I have always had a fondness for polar bears so that story had a real impact on me.

I am trying to live a greener life, I recycle & compost. I have changed all my light bulbs, turned down the air conditioner and unplugged excess appliances. Every little bit helps. I even found so ways to go green in my scrapbooking on the Two Friends site today. If everybody tries a little we can do a lot!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds awesome! i'll have to go see it before it leaves the big screen.
