Monday, April 13, 2009

It's Too Quiet in Here!

Yesterday was Easter Sunday. I had a great day but I was very aware that something was missing. Family is the most important thing in the world to me, there is nobody I would rather spend time with, no place I would rather be then with my loved ones. My youngest daughter Katie is on a 3 month exchange to Luxembourg. I know that this is a wonderful experience for her, filled with memories that will last her a lifetime. I am usually OK thinking about the great time she is having but this weekend was a hard one. Most days are so filled with work, household chores, the daily stuff that keeps you busy that I don't always notice that someone is missing. Having a long weekend, with all the free time that comes with it and being such a family oriented occasion I was missing Katie like crazy! My house is usually full of the girls and their friends, laughter is everywhere and there are always teenagers underfoot. With Katie gone, Nicole working and having a boyfriend it is sometimes downright silent in here- I can't stand it! I do think of it as a way to prepare me for the next stage in my life- where my children are off at university and Shawn and I are here alone but I have come to realize that I am not ready to let go yet-- I need more time!


  1. This breaks my heart to read. My kids are the world to me as well and when i'm separated from them for a long period of time, i get really emotional. (Whenever we returned Courtney back to her dorm after the end of the weekend, i'd have to fight back the tears.) i'm hoping in time it gets easier.

  2. Are we ever ready to let go? I am already having major anxiety over my youngest going away to university and he is at least two years away from graduating high school! I really need to get a grip! I guess there is comfort in knowing that we are not alone in wanting our children near us as often as possible. (And I guess there is always scrapbooking to keep us busy and to keep our loved ones near as we scrapbook our memories with them!)

  3. I am feeling your pain Lynn. I know that we raise our kids to be independent, but when you turn around one day and they are all grow up, it just doesn't seem fair. I know my kids will always need me, but sometimes it feels like a small part of me is gone when they are not around. As long as my kids are healthy and happy, I am happy too. I miss them, but I am happy. She will be home soon.

  4. Some reason, can't open the comment box on the blog above, so will just leave my message here. it's funny that you should write that because i'm starting to feel that stay-at-home mom, too-busy-raising-kids mom, loneliness and really am starting to yearn to get out there and get more involved. Or maybe it's just the nicer weather? LOL. Your friends sound like a group of wonderful ladies, you should feel blessed.

  5. Oh, and i noticed the countdown for Katie---i'm excited for you!!

  6. I think I fixed the box above- this blogging stuff is complicated sometimes.
    I know I am lucky to have those ladies in my life. I am also lucky to have the scrapbooking friends that I have found. You will meet people as you get more into photography. I know once I started scrapping and going to classes and crops I made a lot of friends and more importantly, friends who had a common interest.
